Welcome to my Featured Customer Information Blog


In this section I want to write posts in first person about the role of the graphic designer in the entire creative process and his relationship with the client.

My vision of design is always to orient the slogans of my clients towards satisfying the needs of their consumers, always optimizing the user experience, the institutional image, the presence of the brand and the professional vision of each undertaking.

They are aimed at clients who need to hire design services and do not know the ways to approach them or the possibilities that they offer them.
Here you will find all the prior information you need to make your inquiries, and many tips that favor optimizing the performance of your business with your customers.

Many of the topics developed in these posts derive from their own research to solve specific slogans of each design project.
For this reason, I want to share all the questions that my clients ask me about certain topics, terminologies and processes of creative development of the projects that they commission me.

Requisitos para tener un sitio web

Requirements to have a website

In this post I will show you all the prerequisites you need to have your website. Maybe you do not know how to start, who to hire, and you do not know the production costs, the formal aspects, etc. Here you will know the language related to web design and the ...

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Qué es un logo responsive

What a responsive logo is

Do you know what a responsive logo is and how important it is for your brand? In this post I want to tell you about this new trend in branding, which day by day becomes more essential for the correct use of a brand and optimizing its presence in ...

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Por qué tener una tienda online

Why have an online store

Seguramente te preguntaste por qué tener una tienda online si hasta ahora te ha ido bastante bien con tu local comercial, o quizás no tienes la suficiente información como para animarte y emprender tu propia tienda virtual.En este artículo te voy a mostrar los...

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